
Making conversational AI surprisingly simple.

Call Centre

7 min read

What are Intelligent Virtual Assistants? Working, Benefits and Use Cases

Contact centers are drastically changing with the addition of intelligent virtual assistants (IVA) empowered by artificial AI technologies. While...

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7 min read

Enterprise Chatbots: Are They the Right Choice for Your Business?

According to G2, 40% of millennials engage with bots daily, and around 1.4 billion people use chatbots for communication. That represents a massive...

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8 min read

What is Automated Outbound Calling? Choose the Right Solution

Getting the right call at the right time with the right offer can make your day. Of course, getting an unhelpful, uninteresting call with an offer...

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6 min read

What is Workforce Optimization (WFO) and How Does it Work?

Call centers can work like clockwork and focus on helping customers or be one of the most dysfunctional work environments that directly impact brand...

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6 min read

What is Intelligent Call Routing? Do You Need One?

A couple decades ago, before call routing was the norm, you had to go through multiple calls and agents to reach the right department or person who...

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9 min read

What is Call Center IVR: Benefits, Challenges, and Alternatives

Interactive voice response (IVR) systems allow contact centers to serve more customers by giving customers more control over their experience....

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